About Rekindle Counseling

Perhaps you are facing the demands of raising children, extended family concerns, different sex drives, financial issues, job stress, physical changes or infidelity. Maybe it seems like you are the only one who is struggling in a your marriage or relationship and you look around and feel out of sync with the world.

You need to know you are not alone. In fact, challenges are a normal part of relationships—even challenges that are really stressful and distressing.

We get upset with our parents, right? We have ups and downs with friends, co-workers and siblings. We even might have a little interchange with someone in the supermarket line or on the highway. We negotiate relationships throughout our lives and all of them have ups and downs.

Challenges are normal and they happen to everyone. Go ahead, ask the happiest couple you know and if they are honest they will tell you about the compromises, patience and humor that a good relationship needs to survive. Even the greatest most well-matched relationships take work. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that you can make your relationship or marriage better. Even when very difficult things have happened in your relationship, you can find that spark that drew you together. You can capitalize on what you do well as a couple—your unique energy and strengths—to become the kind of couple you would like to be.

But it won’t just happen by itself. Good relationships take time and effort. We do regular maintenance on our cars, we spend money on home renovations, we spend thousands of hours to influence the lives of our children, we give eight or more hours a day to our work and then we go home and expect our primary relationship to just fall into place. When it comes to love we just aren’t very sensible.

Everyone has to work on keeping their marriage or relationship lively and loving. You can too. All you need is a willingness to try some new things, a commitment to being your best self, an open mind toward your partner, and some counseling help to put it all together.

You can rekindle the spark in your relationship. If you live in Minnesota come in for a 30 minute initial consultation at no charge to learn about how Rekindle Counseling can support you. While you are at it, sign up for our newsletter with tips for couples and information on recent marriage counseling research.

You can start down the road to a new way of relating. Let Rekindle Counseling help you rekindle the spark in your relationship.

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